Start Event Name Locations Participants
Tue 18
4:00 pm SHS Spring Musical - Rehearsal Sehome Theater
Sehome Drama/Green Room
Sehome High School
4:15 pm DO 102/103 New Employee Orientation District Office Room 103
District Office Room 102
District Office
4:30 pm Speech & Debate Practice Library Rooms 251 & 275 Sehome Classroom
Sehome Library
Sehome High School
5:00 pm BHS: PAC booked for Play Performance Preparation Bellingham PAC Bellingham High School
5:00 pm MS 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Games Fairhaven Gymnasium: East
Fairhaven Gymnasium: West
Whatcom Gym 1
Whatcom Gym 2
Fairhaven Middle School
Whatcom Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
5:00 pm SqHS Boys Golf Preseason Meeting Squalicum Classroom C201 SQHS Juniors
SQHS Senior
SQHS Sophomores
SQHS Freshmen
5:30 pm Rangers soccer practice Sehome Soccer Field Whatcom Rangers
5:30 pm SqHS: Girls Wrestling Practice Shuksan Gym - New Shuksan Middle School
6:00 pm Apex NW Shuksan Gym - Old Apex NW
6:00 pm BHS: Unified Basketball Parkview Gym Parkview Elementary School
6:00 pm Bellingham Warriors Lacrosse Bellingham Football/Soccer Turf Field Bellingham Warriors Youth Lacrosse
6:00 pm Boys 4th Grade Basketball (bayhawks) Silver Beach Big Gym Bayhawks 4th Grade Boys Basketball
6:00 pm Chuckanut Flag Rugby Practice Roosevelt Cafeteria
Roosevelt Gym
Chuckanut Bay Rugby Club
6:00 pm Cub Scout Pack 4019 - Den meetings Geneva Cafeteria
Geneva Gym
Cub Scout Pack 4019 - Mount Baker Council
6:00 pm KMS: Volleyball in Gyms Kulshan Gym North
Kulshan Gym South
Kulshan Middle School
6:00 pm NCA Soccer Training Squalicum Facilities Main Turf Field/Track North County Alliance
6:00 pm Parks & Rec Volleyball & Basketball Leagues Sunnyland Gym City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
6:00 pm Warriors Lacrosse Practice Kulshan Turf Field Bellingham Warriors Youth Lacrosse
6:30 pm Southside Bball Practice Cordata Gym Southside Bball Club
6:30 pm Weimer – Girls Bayhawk Hoops Sunnyland Gym Bayhawk Basketball Club
6:45 pm Apex NW Alderwood Gym Apex NW
7:00 pm Bayhawk Basketball Club - Fields Bellingham Gym Bayhawk Basketball Club
7:00 pm Overall Basketballers Lowell Gym Overall Basketballers
7:15 pm Alisson Bonner - Bellingham Volleyball Club Practice Parkview Gym Bellingham Volleyball Club
7:15 pm Bellingham Thunder AAU Practice Shuksan Gym - New Bellingham Thunder AAU
7:30 pm Bayhawks 4/5 - McKay Options Gym Bayhawk Basketball Club
7:30 pm G Elite Fairhaven Gymnasium: East G Elite
Wed 19
A Day   Bellingham High School
Fairhaven Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Sehome High School
Shuksan Middle School
Squalicum High School
Whatcom Middle School
A Day - OHS   Options High School
All Day Gymnastics Equipment in Gym Birchwood Gym
Carl Cozier Gym
Happy Valley Gym
Northern Heights Gym
Birchwood Elementary School
Carl Cozier Elementary School
Happy Valley Elementary School
Northern Heights Elementary School