Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday/No School   All Schools
EDI: Makar Sankranti/Pongal (starts) Holiday or observance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
EDI: Martin Luther King Day Holiday or observance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Gymnastics Equipment in Gym Silver Beach Annex Gym
Wade King Gym
Geneva Gym
Roosevelt Gym
Silver Beach Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
Geneva Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
12:00 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
SHS - MLK Event Sehome Commons
Sehome Theater
Sehome High School
8:30 am  
9:00 am
DO 112: Tutoring District Office Conference Room 112 Central Services, Special Education
9:30 am
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
SB Wild Whatcom Neighborhood Nature Club K-5th Silver Beach Offsite Event Silver Beach Elementary School
3:00 pm
BHS: BBB game Bellingham Gym
Bellingham Mat Room
Bellingham High School
3:30 pm
BHS: After school tutoring Bellingham Multicultural Center Bellingham High School
BHS: Rehearsal Bellingham PAC Bellingham High School
Cheer Practice Sehome Commons Sehome High School
SqHS Basketball Practice Squalicum Gym Squalicum High School
SqHS Wrestling Practice Squalicum Mat Room Squalicum High School
Winter Sports Practices (3 Girls BB teams, 3 Boys BB teams, I unified team, 1 Dance team) Sehome Auxiliary Gym
Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome Gym Mat Room
Sehome High School
4:00 pm
BHS - Dance Team Practice Options Gym Options High School
KMS - QSA Club Kulshan Library Kulshan Middle School
4:30 pm
SqHS Girls Wrestling Practice Squalicum Weight Room Squalicum High School
5:00 pm  
5:30 pm
SHS - Whatcom Rangers Sehome Soccer Field Whatcom Rangers
6:00 pm
SHS -Whatcom Rangers Sehome Football Turf Field/Track Whatcom Rangers
SUN - Bellingham Sonics Practice Sunnyland Gym Bellingham Sonics
WMS - NW Heat Bball Practice Whatcom Gym 3 NW Heat
6:30 pm
11:30 pm