Bellingham Public Schools
Last updated:
10/10/2024 9:33 am
Facility Rentals
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January 26th
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All Day
B Day
Whatcom Middle School
Squalicum High School
Shuksan Middle School
Sehome High School
Kulshan Middle School
Fairhaven Middle School
Bellingham High School
B Day -OHS
Options High School
COR- Gym Closed to Rentals for Repair
Cordata Gym
Cordata Elementary School
Gymnastics Equipment in Gym
Silver Beach Annex Gym
Wade King Gym
Geneva Gym
Roosevelt Gym
Silver Beach Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
Geneva Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
12:00 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
BVL Registration Tool Training
Options Classroom
Options High School
Shuksan Cafeteria
Shuksan Gym - Old
Shuksan Main Stage
Shuksan Middle School
SMS Tech Intergration
Shuksan Library
Shuksan Middle School
8:30 am
9:00 am
CO: Wiederhold to WWU Planetarium
WWU Planetarium
Columbia Elementary School
DO 112: Tutoring
District Office Conference Room 112
Central Services, Special Education
Plant Science Class-Portable B
Fairhaven Portable B
Fairhaven Middle School
9:30 am
9:55 am
SUN 1st Floor - Benefit Meeting
Sunnyland 1st Floor Office
Sunnyland Elementary School
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
DO 212: Sped Office Meeting
District Office Conference Room 212
Central Services, Special Education
11:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
1:00 pm
SUN 1st Floor - Benefit Meeting
Sunnyland 1st Floor Office
Sunnyland Elementary School
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
CO: Lego
Columbia Room 07
Columbia Elementary School
SB Cartooning + Origami with Strategic Kids K-5th
Silver Beach Classroom
Silver Beach Elementary School
SB Chess Club with Strategic Kids 1st-5th
Silver Beach Lower Commons
Silver Beach Elementary School
SUN-BAAY Multimedia Art
Sunnyland Elementary School
Sunnyland Elementary School
YMCA After School Childcare
Alderwood Classroom
Alderwood Gym
Birchwood Cafeteria
Birchwood Gym
Carl Cozier Cafeteria
Carl Cozier Gym
Columbia Cafeteria/Stage
Columbia North Gym
Cordata Cafeteria
Cordata Gym
Geneva Cafeteria
Geneva Gym
Happy Valley Cafeteria
Happy Valley Gym
Lowell Cafeteria
Lowell Gym
Northern Heights Cafeteria
Northern Heights Gym
Parkview Cafeteria
Parkview Gym
Roosevelt Cafeteria
Roosevelt Gym
Silver Beach Cafeteria
Silver Beach Big Gym
Sunnyland Cafeteria
Sunnyland Gym
Wade King Cafeteria
Wade King Gym
Alderwood Elementary School
Birchwood Elementary School
Carl Cozier Elementary School
Columbia Elementary School
Cordata Elementary School
Geneva Elementary School
Happy Valley Elementary School
Lowell Elementary School
Northern Heights Elementary School
Parkview Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Silver Beach Elementary School
Sunnyland Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
BHS: After school tutoring
Bellingham Multicultural Center
Bellingham High School
Bellingham Gym
Bellingham Mat Room
Bellingham High School
SqHS Basketball Practice
Squalicum Gym
Squalicum High School
SqHS Wrestling Practice
Squalicum Mat Room
Squalicum High School
Winter Sports Practices (3 Girls BB teams, 3 Boys BB teams, I unified team, 1 Dance team)
Sehome Auxiliary Gym
Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome Gym Mat Room
Sehome High School
3:45 pm
Boys BB - end of season party
Fairhaven Commons
Fairhaven Gymnasium: East
Fairhaven Gymnasium: West
Fairhaven Middle School
Newspaper club-Gillman's room
Fairhaven Room 311
Fairhaven Middle School
SqHS Boys Swim Practice--afterschool/early
Squalicum Offsite Event
Squalicum High School
3:50 pm
After-school support-library
Fairhaven Library
Fairhaven Middle School
4:00 pm
Hoops for Heart
Whatcom Gym 3
Whatcom Gym 2
Whatcom Gym 1
Whatcom Middle School
SMS Dance and Tumbling Celebration
Shuksan Cafeteria
Shuksan Middle School
4:30 pm
SqHS Girls Wrestling Practice
Squalicum Weight Room
Squalicum High School
5:00 pm
BHS - Girls Basketball
Options Gym
Options High School
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
ALD - Apex NW
Alderwood Gym
Apex NW
COL - CPA Movie Night
Columbia Cafeteria/Stage
Columbia Parent Association
COR - Pickleball
Cordata Gym
Bellingham Pickleball Club
FASFA Work Sessions
Options Room 140/CTE
Options High School
FMS - BPC Open Play Pickleball
Fairhaven Gymnasium: East
Fairhaven Gymnasium: West
Bellingham Pickleball Club
KMS - Pickleball
Kulshan Gym South
Kulshan Gym North
Bellingham Pickleball Club
NW Heat Bball Practice
Whatcom Gym 3
NW Heat
OHS - Southside Bball practice
Options Gym
Southside Bball Club
PV - BPC Open Play Pickleball
Parkview Gym
Bellingham Pickleball Club
Sunnyland Gym
Bellingham Pickleball Club
SMS - Apex NW
Shuksan Gym - Old
Apex NW
SMS - Southside Bball practice
Shuksan Gym - New
Southside Bball Club
WMS - Gym 1 -Bellingham Pickleball Skill Development
Whatcom Gym 1
Bellingham Pickleball Club
WMS - Gym 3- Volleyball - private rental/SIVA
Whatcom Gym 3
Skagit Island Volleyball Academy
6:30 pm
HV PTA Math Night
Happy Valley Cafeteria
Happy Valley Gym
Happy Valley Elementary School
SMS- Southside Basketball Practice
Shuksan Gym - New
Southside Bball Club
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Winter Informal Dance
Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome High School
8:30 pm
11:30 pm