Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
A Day   Whatcom Middle School
Squalicum High School
Shuksan Middle School
Sehome High School
Kulshan Middle School
Fairhaven Middle School
Bellingham High School
B Day - OHS   Options High School
Gymnastics Equipment in Gym Alderwood Gym
Sunnyland Gym
Columbia South Gym
Columbia North Gym
Alderwood Elementary School
Sunnyland Elementary School
Columbia Elementary School
Mazur - EOY Program Cordata Cafeteria
Cordata Classroom
Cordata Conference Room
Cordata Garden
Cordata Library
Cordata Music Room
Cordata Offsite Event
Cordata Playground
Cordata School Event
Skating in PE Happy Valley Gym Happy Valley Elementary School
Squalidays Squalicum High School Squalicum High School
Surplus Book Sale Carl Cozier Elementary School Carl Cozier Elementary School
12:00 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
DO 205 Executive Team DNP District Office Room 205 District Office
8:30 am
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
ASE - Spanish Class - Grades 3-5 Carl Cozier Room 23 Carl Cozier Elementary School
ASE - Spanish Class - Grades K-2 Carl Cozier Room 23 Carl Cozier Elementary School
DO 205 Supt/Capital Projects/Comms DNP District Office Room 205 District Office
HV Choir Club Happy Valley Music Room Happy Valley Elementary School
HV Origami Club Happy Valley Elementary School Happy Valley Elementary School
HV Salud's Spanish Club Happy Valley Elementary School Happy Valley Elementary School
HV Wonder Fair Mentoring Happy Valley Elementary School Happy Valley Elementary School
NH Japanese Club (5th Gr Alcove) Northern Heights Elementary School Northern Heights Elementary School
YMCA After School Childcare Alderwood Classroom
Alderwood Gym
Birchwood Cafeteria
Birchwood Gym
Carl Cozier Cafeteria
Carl Cozier Gym
Columbia Cafeteria/Stage
Columbia North Gym
Cordata Cafeteria
Cordata Gym
Geneva Cafeteria
Geneva Gym
Happy Valley Cafeteria
Happy Valley Gym
Lowell Cafeteria
Lowell Gym
Northern Heights Cafeteria
Northern Heights Gym
Parkview Cafeteria
Roosevelt Cafeteria
Roosevelt Gym
Silver Beach Big Gym
Silver Beach Cafeteria
Sunnyland Cafeteria
Sunnyland Gym
Wade King Cafeteria
Wade King Gym
Alderwood Elementary School
Birchwood Elementary School
Carl Cozier Elementary School
Columbia Elementary School
Cordata Elementary School
Geneva Elementary School
Happy Valley Elementary School
Lowell Elementary School
Northern Heights Elementary School
Parkview Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Silver Beach Elementary School
Sunnyland Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
3:00 pm  
3:30 pm
BHS: Girls Basketball Bellingham Gym Bellingham High School
BHS: Winter Sports Bellingham Gym
Bellingham Mat Room
Bellingham High School
Dungeons & Dragons Club Bellingham Orchestra/Band Room Bellingham High School
Spirit of the Season-Choir Event Sehome Commons Sehome High School
SqHS Boys Wrestling Practice Squalicum Mat Room Squalicum High School
SqHS Girls Wrestling Practice Squalicum Weight Room Squalicum High School
SqHS Ultimate Frisbee Squalicum Facilities Main Turf Field/Track Squalicum High School
Winter sports Practices (7 basketball teams, 1 dance team and 2 wrestling teams) Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome Auxiliary Gym
Sehome High School
3:45 pm
MS Coed Unified Basketball Practice Kulshan Gym North
Kulshan Gym South
Shuksan Gym - New
Shuksan Gym - Old
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
SMS TSA Club Shuksan Middle School Shuksan Middle School
4:00 pm
BHS - Dance Team Practice Options Gym Options High School
MS Boys 7th/8th Basketball Practice Fairhaven Gymnasium: East
Fairhaven Gymnasium: West
Kulshan Gym North
Kulshan Gym South
Shuksan Gym - New
Shuksan Gym - Old
Whatcom Gym 1
Whatcom Gym 2
Fairhaven Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
Whatcom Middle School
MS Coed Dance & Tumbling Practice Shuksan Gym - Old
Fairhaven Commons
Kulshan Commons
Whatcom Gym 3
Whatcom Gym Mat Room
Fairhaven Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
Whatcom Middle School
4:30 pm
Speech & Debate Practice Library Rooms 251 & 275 Sehome Classroom
Sehome Library
Sehome High School
SqHS Boys JV Basketball Game Squalicum Gym Squalicum High School
SqHS Girls Basketball Games Squalicum Gym
Squalicum Stage
Squalicum High School
5:00 pm  
5:30 pm
BHS: Boys Basketball Bellingham Gym Bellingham High School
SqHS French Club Event Squalicum Classroom C104 Squalicum High School
6:00 pm
Alisson Bonner - Bellingham Volleyball Club Practice Parkview Gym Bellingham Volleyball Club
Apex NW Shuksan Gym - New Apex NW
Apex NW Shuksan Gym - Old Apex NW
Bayhawks - 3rd/4th girls - Christie Kulshan Gym South Bayhawk Basketball Club
Bellingham Parks & Rec Volleyball Practice Whatcom Gym 1 City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
Bellingham Pickleball Club Open Play Fairhaven Gymnasium: East
Fairhaven Gymnasium: West
Bellingham Pickleball Club
Boys 4th Grade Basketball Kulshan Gym North Bayhawks 4th Grade Boys Basketball
Chuckanut Rugby Carl Cozier Gym Chuckanut Bay Rugby Club
Cub Scout Pack 4019 - Den meetings Geneva Cafeteria
Geneva Gym
Cub Scout Pack 4019 - Mount Baker Council
Parks & Rec Volleyball & Basketball Leagues Cordata Gym City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
6:30 pm
PTSA Meeting Library Sehome Library Sehome High School
Weimer – Girls Bayhawk Hoops Birchwood Gym Bayhawk Basketball Club
7:00 pm
BHS: Ultimate Frisbee Bellingham Baseball Field
Bellingham Softball Field
Bellingham High School
BHS: Winter Concert Bellingham PAC Bellingham High School
Bayhawk Basketball Club - Fields Bellingham Gym Bayhawk Basketball Club
7:15 pm
SqHS Boys Varsity Basketball Game Squalicum Gym Squalicum High School
7:30 pm
Team360 Hoops Kulshan Gym North Team 360 Hoops(Basketball)
8:00 pm
11:30 pm