Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
Balance Bikes in Gym Columbia School Event Columbia Elementary School
EDI: Dia de la Raza Holiday or observance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
EDI: Feast of Tabernacles (starts) Holiday or observance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
EDI: Indigenous Peoples' Day Holiday or observance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
EDI: Sukkot (starts) Holiday or observance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Fall Creativity Celebration: October 3rd-11th Wade King School Event King - Grade 1
King - Grade 2
King - Grade 3
King - Grade 4
King - Grade 5
King - Kindergarten
Wade King Elementary School
Spirit Wear Sales - Go WK Wolves! Wade King School Event King - Grade 1
King - Grade 2
King - Grade 3
King - Grade 4
King - Grade 5
King - Kindergarten
Wade King Elementary School
12:00 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
DO RM 112 - Assistive Tech (DNP) District Office Conference Room 112 District Office
9:00 am
CS 114 CP Team Meeting DNP District Office Conference Room 114 District Office
DO 112 - Benefit Enrollment Meetings (DNP) District Office Conference Room 112 District Office
9:30 am
Snow Goose field trip Middlebrooks 6th period Shuksan Middle School Shuksan Middle School
pickford Chelan team Shuksan Offsite Event Shuksan Middle School
10:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
CS BR: CT Classes District Office Board Room Central Services, Special Education
CS Computer Lab: CT Class District Office Computer Lab Central Services, Special Education
DO 212 DT&L Tactical District Office Conference Room 212 District Office
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
BW - Girls on the Run Birchwood Grass Field Birchwood Elementary School
CC - Girls on the Run Carl Cozier Offsite Event Carl Cozier Elementary School
COL - Girls on the Run Columbia South Field Columbia Elementary School
HR/Tech Convo District Office Conference Room 112 District Office
HV Advanced Drum Ensemble Happy Valley Grass Field Happy Valley Elementary School
HV Ultimate Frisbee Club Happy Valley Grass Field Happy Valley Elementary School
HV Wild Whatcom Nature Club Happy Valley Offsite Event Happy Valley Elementary School
Trail Blazers Birchwood Offsite Event Birchwood Elementary School
YMCA After School Childcare Alderwood Cafeteria
Alderwood Gym
Birchwood Cafeteria
Birchwood Gym
Carl Cozier Cafeteria
Carl Cozier Gym
Columbia Cafeteria/Stage
Columbia North Gym
Cordata Cafeteria
Cordata Gym
Geneva Cafeteria
Geneva Gym
Happy Valley Cafeteria
Happy Valley Gym
Lowell Cafeteria
Lowell Gym
Northern Heights Cafeteria
Northern Heights Gym
Parkview Cafeteria
Parkview Gym
Roosevelt Gym
Roosevelt Cafeteria
Silver Beach Big Gym
Silver Beach Cafeteria
Sunnyland Cafeteria
Sunnyland Gym
Wade King Cafeteria
Wade King Gym
Alderwood Elementary School
Birchwood Elementary School
Carl Cozier Elementary School
Columbia Elementary School
Cordata Elementary School
Geneva Elementary School
Happy Valley Elementary School
Lowell Elementary School
Northern Heights Elementary School
Parkview Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Silver Beach Elementary School
Sunnyland Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
3:00 pm
DO 203a Tom & Jenny DNP District Office Conference Room 203-A District Office
SL CST Meeting Sunnyland Conference Room Sunnyland Elementary School
3:15 pm
Athletic Team Practices Squalicum Facilities Main Turf Field/Track
Squalicum Facilities Track
Squalicum Facilities Turf Baseball Field
Squalicum Facilities Turf Soccer Field
Squalicum Fastpitch Field
Squalicum Gym
Squalicum Tennis Courts
Squalicum Facilities Turf Fastpitch Field
Squalicum High School
BHS: Sports practices Bellingham Baseball Field
Bellingham Football/Soccer Turf Field
Bellingham Gym
Bellingham Softball Field
Bellingham High School
3:30 pm
BHS: Fall Play Rehearsals Bellingham PAC Bellingham High School
BHS: Homecoming week Bellingham 1st Floor Wing
Bellingham Commons
Bellingham High School
Fall Practices Sehome Auxiliary Gym
Sehome Baseball Field
Sehome Football Turf Field/Track
Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome Soccer Field
Sehome Softball Field
Sehome Tennis Courts
Sehome High School
SqHS Drama Club Squalicum Forum
Squalicum Stage
Squalicum High School
3:45 pm
Middle School Boys Soccer Practice Fairhaven Fields
Kulshan Turf Field
Shuksan Grass Field
Whatcom Battersby Field
Fairhaven Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
Whatcom Middle School
Middle School Coed Track Practice Fairhaven Fields
Kulshan Turf Field
Shuksan Grass Field
Whatcom Battersby Field
Fairhaven Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
Whatcom Middle School
Middle School Girls Soccer Practice Fairhaven Fields
Kulshan Turf Field
Shuksan Grass Field
Whatcom Battersby Field
Fairhaven Middle School
Kulshan Middle School
Shuksan Middle School
Whatcom Middle School
4:00 pm
HV - Southside Soccer Practice Happy Valley Grass Field WCYSA Southside Soccer
OHS - Youth for the Environment and People! (YEP!) Options Classroom RE Sources
4:30 pm  
5:00 pm
Football Training Sessions Sehome Theater Sehome High School
Volleyball vs Mount Baker Sehome Auxiliary Gym
Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome High School
WK - Southside Soccer Practice Wade King Grass Field WCYSA Southside Soccer
5:30 pm
BHS: Debate practice Bellingham 3rd Floor Lounge Bellingham High School
6:00 pm
SMS - COB Monday Volleyball League Shuksan - Long Shuksan Gym - Old City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
WMS - COB Monday Volleyball League - Whatcom Long Whatcom Gym 1 City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
6:15 pm
COR - COB Monday Volleyball League Cordata Gym City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
HV - COB Monday Volleyball Happy Valley Gym City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
LO - Capoeira Angola class Lowell Gym International Capoeira Angola Foundation - Bellingham
6:30 pm
BHS - Cascade Crush Practice Bellingham Softball Field Cascade Crush
7:00 pm
Dance Team Practice Sehome Auxiliary Gym Sehome High School
7:30 pm
11:30 pm